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The Benefits of Musical Education

 Accelerated Vocabulary and Language 

Increased Motor skills

Improved Test Scores

Heightened Spatial-Temporal Skills

What Experts Say:​


Numerous scientific research studies support the positive impacts of music on young, developing brains. The links below lead to a few studies and articles that give insight into how important learning and engaging with music is to develop children's minds.

Click the articles below to find out more.



How musical training affects cognitive development



Musical Training Shapes Structural Brain Development



Practicing a Musical Instrument in Childhood



Longitudinal Analysis of Music Education 



Playing an Instrument: Better for Your Brain than Just Listening



Art therapy for symptoms of post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety 



Cortical Thickness Maturation and Duration of Music Training



Music lessons spur emotional and behavioral growth in children



Music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children 



Long-term positive associations between music lessons and IQ



Low-income, male students less likely to play instruments at home



A Prescription for Music Lessons



5 Reasons Why You Should Learn a Musical Instrument



Does Studying Music Increase SAT Scores?



Correlation between math and musical ability



Analysis Between School Music Participation and Academic Achievement



Using Music to Close the Academic Gap

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